
Жизни: 1180/ 1180
  • Здоровье77
  • Сила90
  • Ловкость51
  • Выносливость45
  • Хитрость55
  • Внимательность73
  • Харизма18
  • Подрывник3/20
    Звание: Мл. сержант
  • Охотник3/20
    Звание: Бывалый
  • Модификатор16/150
    Звание: Разбиратель
  • Крысолов0/400
    Звание: Новичок
  • Портной0/85
    Звание: Подмастерье
  • М-10
  • М-10
  • М-10
  • Респект: 4972
  • Учеников: 3
  • Побед: 4965
  • Награблено: 3,222,773
  • Известность на митингах:
    Серая мышка
левая рукаспинаправая рука

Регалии (2)

Нужен «Майбабах М2» и выше



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My idol KideKolips

Пол: Женский
О себе:

....You want to become my pupil....

° 1 level: 14-05-2011 13-25-29.............° 10 level: 01-07-2011 17-01-49
° 2 level: 14-05-2011 15-05-01
° 3 level: 14-05-2011 00-05-07
° 4 level: 18-05-2011 10-00-25
° 5 level: 19-05-2011 17-14-06
° 6 level: 21-05-2011 08-05-15
° 7 level: 28-05-2011 15-36-36
° 8 level: 05-06-2011 16-58-43
° 9 level: 14-06-2011 16-18-07

...........................................The copied statistics once again not to click.........................................

♡. Салага [0/10]
♡. Новичок [0/10]
♡. Ищейка [0/20]
♡. Бывалый [0/20]
5. Сталкер [0/20]
6. Бандит [0/20]
7. Следопыт [0/30]
8. Подрывник [0/30]
9. Особист [0/30]
10. Снайпер [0/30]
11. Бешеный пёс [0/30]
12. Гост - Бастер [0/50]
13. Хельсинг [0/50]
14. Убивашка [0/50]
15. Ниндзя [0/50]
16. Лаки-Хантер [0/50]
17. Ассасин [0/100]
18. Google-man [0/100]
19. Апач [0/100]
20. Раскольников [0/100]
21. VIP-Охотник [0/9100]


♡. Стажер [0/10]
♡. Студент [0/20]
♡. Криворучкин [0/70]
♡. Разбиратель [0/150]
5. Юннат [0/250]
6. Эникейщик [0/250]
7. Подмастерье [0/250]
8. Слесарь [0/500]
9. Самоделкин [0/500]
10. Испытатель [0/500]
11. Подрядчик [0/500]
12. Аппаратчик [0/500]
13. Наладчик [0/500]
14. Перворазрядник [0/1000]
15. Кандидат в мастера [0/1000]
16. Мастер [0/1000]
17. Конструктор [0/1000]
18. Инженер [0/1000]
19. Специалист [0/1000]
20. Перфекционист [0/1000]
21. Профессионал [0/1000]
22. Золотые руки [0/1000]
23. Эксперт [0/1000]

...............................................................Demolition man...............................................................

♡ Рядовой [0/10]
♡ Ефрейтор [0/10]
♡ Младший сержант [0/20]
# Сержант [0/20]
# Старший сержант [0/20]
# Старшина [0/20]
# Младший лейтенант [0/30]
# Лейтенант [0/30]
# Старший лейтенант [0/30]
# Капитан [0/30]
# Майор [0/30]
# Подполковник [0/50]
# Полковник [0/50]
# Генерал - майор [0/50]
# Генерал - лейтенант [0/50]
# Генерал - полковник [0/50]
# Генерал [0/100]
# Маршал [0/100]
# Мастер спорта [0/100]
# Гренадёр-затейник [0/100]
# Террорист-бессмертник [0/100]
# Повелитель взрывов [0/500]
# Брат Админа [0/501]


* М1 = 3 * М21 = 114 (728)
* М2 = 4 * М22 = 129 (857)
* М3 = 5 * М23 = 145 (1,002)
* М4 = 6 * М24 = 161 (1,163)
* М5 = 7 * М25 = 178 (1,341)
* М6 = 8 * М26 = 196 (1,537)
* М7 = 9 * М27 = 215 (1,752)
* М8 = 10 * М28 = 235 (1,987)
* М9 = 12 * М29 = 256 (2,243)
* М10 = 15 * М30 = 278 (2,521)
* М11 = 19 * М31 = 301 (2,822)
* М12 = 24 * М32 = 325 (3,147)
* М13 = 30 * М33 = 350 (3,497)
* М14 = 37 * М34 = 376 (3,873)
* М15 = 45 * М35 = 403 (4,276)
* М16 = 54 * М36 = 431 (4,707)
* М17 = 64 * М37 = 460 (5,167)
* М18 = 75 * М38 = 490 (5,657)
* М19 = 87 * М39 = 521 (6,178)
* М20 = 100 * М40 = 553 (6,731)

.....................Following rules are obligatory for execution on the server www.moswar.ru.....................

I. Multovodstvo
1) registration or management of one player more, than one character Is forbidden.
2) carrying out of fights between characters from one IP addresses Is forbidden.
Punishment: Full blocking of all characters
II. Deliberate prorolling at the expense of other character.
1) creation of characters for increase of game resources and-or the statistican of other character, deliberate protection against attacks Is forbidden.
Punishment: Full blocking of all characters or the guilty player.
2) creation of characters for increase the statistican and-or clan resources Is forbidden.
Punishment: Time blocking of the character of the head of clan, full blocking of the guilty character. At infringements in especially large sizes – clan disbandment.
III. Possession of the character.
One character one person, transfer both on time management can play only, and on a constant basis – is forbidden.
Punishment: Blocking of an account of the infringer without the restoration right.
IV. Use of undocumented features of game (program errors, bugs, defects etc.).
1) use of errors for the purpose of reception of personal benefit Is forbidden.
2) use of the errors harming game or other players Is forbidden.
3) distribution of the information on an error Is forbidden to other players by means of game resources (a chat, a forum, personal messages)
Punishment: Depending on weight of infringement, from 1 week of prison before constant blocking of an account of the infringer without the restoration right.
The note: In case of detection of a critical error, at its immediate delivery of administration encouragement with game bonuses is necessary.
V. Skripting
1) unapproved influence on the server and (or) a game code Is forbidden. The authorized influences the approved game plug-ins/addony (registered/licensed) by administration established on the party of the browser of the player and modifying appearance, the information, actions and other, without intervention in internal processes of game admit.
2) creation and start unapproved administration of a boat or other automated (Is forbidden to a floor automated) programs for the purpose of fulfillment of any actions directed on the character of the user or other characters, for prorolling and (or) enrichments of the character, and also the actions directed on a chat of game.
Punishment: Blocking of an account of the infringer with the restoration right according to additional services
VI. Frod
Reception of the paid services provided in game, game subjects, currency and other values by use of systems of electronic payments by roguish way is forbidden.
Punishment: Full blocking of an account of the infringer without the restoration right.
VII. Breaking
In case of loss of game property of the character by selection and plunder (theft) of the password of an account (or an address e-mail, on which the account) or by a deceit is registered (or abusings) trust of the owner of the account, the stolen property doesn't come back.
Punishment: Full blocking of an account of the infringer without the restoration right.
VIII. The Maintenance
Rules of input of any user information are placed in dialogue rules.
IX. Trade in characters.
Sale and purchase of game accounts is forbidden, using server resources: game, a forum, a chat. The announcement of gratuitous transfer of the character concerns trade in characters also.
Punishment: Full blocking of a forum and game account.
X. Services.
Trade in game subjects and resources for real money, and also advertizing of similar trade is forbidden. Any commercial Is forbidden.
Punishment: Full blocking without the restoration right

Жалоба на игрока